Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring is Breaking

Today heralds the first day of Spring Break for our area. Our grandkids are looking forward to a week's vacation. Unfortunately, it has been wet and will be wet most of next week. Ah well, that's the norm for the Pacific Northwest. But . . . we are blessed in that we don't experience hurricanes, tornadoes, or floods, but are host to a steady wind that brings in the change of seasons.

Most of the trees have blossomed, daffodils are in full bloom, tulips are peeking up, pansies have emerged from their winter's hibernation, and the grass is greening up nicely. I love spring, next to autumn that is. No, right now, I love spring the best.

Spring: Nature coming to life, a new grandbaby, now two months old, a new book I'm working on, and new friends (or old really), that I've reconnected with - making them new - again.

Happy Spring everyone!

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