Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Signed, Sealed, and To Be Delivered

The wait is over! After a year and a half of diligently writing, editing, and sharing my manuscript with my critique group, BETWEEN HEARTBEATS has been accepted by Booktrope publishers. 

My first book, a memoir, Through the Tunnel of Love, A Mother's and Daughter's Journey with Anorexia, was released April 2011. I must say, the feeling is as good, if not better the second time around.

I "found" Booktrope through Write on the River's writers' conference hosted in Wenatchee, WA just one year ago. I can't say the year has flown by, but I'm positive the next few weeks will as I have so many things to accomplish to get my project out the door.

You may keep up with the latest on my Twitter account: @donelleknudsen or my Author Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/DonelleMKnudsen

Have a wonderful week and don't set boundaries for yourselves.

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